Implement performance-based budgeting

Cities will continue to face the challenge of tighter budgets and increased demands from residents. Performance-based budgeting can help cities develop budgets based on the relationship between program funding levels and expected program results. The performance-based budgeting process is an administrative tool to manage cost-efficient and effective budgeting outlays.


Some questions to guide your thinking

  • What department(s) are best suited to pilot results-based budgeting?
  • Who will be responsible for setting performance metrics and keeping accountability?

Creating a framework for performance budgeting

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 30 minutes

This report offers advice on seven good principles and practices in the area of performance budgeting.


Pioneering performance-based budgeting

Houston Public Media 5 minutes

This reading discusses the goals behind Houston mayor Sylvester Turner's 2016 executive order to implement performance-based budgeting (PBB).

  • Funding decisions are based on proven success or inefficiency, and should be applied per individual department or program instead of through funding increases across the board.


Creating a framework for performance budgeting

This report offers advice on seven good principles and practices in the area of …

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Pioneering performance-based budgeting

This reading discusses the goals behind Houston mayor Sylvester Turner's 2016 …

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